Latest news on 23.09.2016

Friday, 23 September 2016

Latest news on 23.09.2016

Today some new ISPs were added to our system:

·         Bryte

o   Plans:

§  ADSL Broadband – added

§  VDSL Broadband – added

§  Fibre Broadband – added

·         The Packing Shed

o   Plans:

§  ADSL Broadband – added

§  VDSL Broadband – added

§  Fibre Broadband – added

§  Wireless Broadband - added

And we have updated plans for:

·         Spark

o   Plans:

§  ADSL Broadband – updated

§  VDSL Broadband – updated

§  Fibre Broadband – updated

·         NOW

o   Plans:

§  ADSL Broadband – updated

§  VDSL Broadband – updated

§  Fibre Broadband – updated

·         WIZ Wireless

o   Plans:

§  Wireless Broadband – updated


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